Trading Competition

Onchain Summer Trading Competition

Welcome to the Onchain Summer Trading Competition! Get ready to dive into our $100,000 Onchain Summer trading competition, rewarding our top traders with weekly prizes.

Weekly Volume Rewards

  • Reset Time: Every Monday at 00:00 UTC
  • Reward Mechanism: Earn a share of the weekly prize pool based on your trading volume relative to the total trading volume for that week.

Competition Details

  • Total Prize Pool: $100,000 distributed over 10 weeks
  • Start Date: June 3rd
  • Distribution: Rewards are distributed as $wBLT
  • Eligibility: Top 100 volume traders each week
  • Epoch Duration: Each epoch resets at Monday 00:00 UTC
  • Claiming Rewards: Rewards for the current epoch become claimable in the next

Incentivized Traders

Any user can now add incentives for the current trading epoch! This means you can help attract more traders and boost activity, which leads to higher revenue and rewards for everyone involved.

Incentive Tokens

Users can select from a whitelist of tokens to incentivize with:

  • $BMX
  • $wBLT
  • $MOG
  • $AERO
  • $USDC
  • $TYBG
  • $wETH
  • $TN100x
  • $CHAD
  • #doginme
  • $DEGEN

Start Trading

Ready to dive in? Head over to to start trading.